Varduhie, a dental X-ray technician in Yerevan, was called upon to save the life of a woman she did not know, in a country she had not seen. She had signed up as an ABMDR donor 8 years earlier, and when ABMDR informed her that she had been found to be a m
Varduhie, a dental X-ray technician in Yerevan, was called upon to save the life of a woman she did not know, in a country she had not seen. She had signed up as an ABMDR donor 8 years earlier, and when ABMDR informed her that she had been found to be a match for a young woman in Greece, she did not hesitate. “Someone’s life is in danger, and I can save her. Of course I will go ahead with it. I find it my moral obligation to do so, and I consider it a privilege few get presented with” she said. With the enthusiastic support of her son and daughter, she went to Ulm, Germany, where her stem cells were harvested and shipped to Greece to the patient. To date, she considers this one of the most significant actions of her life.